If such people could get their heads screwed on straight and make their decisions on the basis of visible fact, i.e. their womanly appearance and actions, and not on the basis of a genital fact that only they and their doctors know about, much travail and cost could be avoided.
I hope that the presentation of this part of our research will have some effect on a few of you who may be contemplating surgery. If it saves even one it will be well worth the effort. Dr. Bentler and I regard this initial research as being of such importance that we hope to repeat it with a much large group so that we can derive some really persuasive data that can be subjected to statistical scrutiny. Fourteen and fifteen member groups are not large enough to satisfy statisticians as to their significance. It is for this purpose that the appeal was made for research funds in TVia 78. I hope some of you with a little spare bread will donate some of it to this cause.
"Drop that gun! I'm a plainclothesman and he's a German shepherd!"